As many might know, Walmart is the land of the different. Every day, you can always find something new, be it a product or a person. And well, Walmart is such a common and national shop that every single person goes there at least once.
You can not only find new people and things, but you can also find animals and weird fashion choices. Today we gathered some amazing things that happened there.
Style swap

Well, this might be one of the best ones! This cute couple went out to Walmart with a change in style! Or at least that is what I think it is, since those shorts look like they are hers, but well, maybe he just has a sense of style!
Either way, the legging under it are not it. Maybe 14 years ago they might have been cool, right now? Too much going on there.
MJ, is that you?
Well, no, not MJ from the Spider-Man movie, but another MJ. This time, our King of Pop has resurrected from the dead and went to Walmart! I mean, that would be the first thing I’d do if I resurrected.

Jokes aside, no this is not the real MJ, but he does look the part!
Advice: Don’t Mess With Her
Often happens that you are walking down the street or the store, someone bumps into you and says “oh I’m sorry, I did not see you”. Well, those days are over for this person! We really hope that no one has bumps into them today or else, I must say, they will not have a good day. Still, it is an interesting choice to wear to Walmart, which is just a store.

Maybe she is planing on going for a walk late at night! Who know, what matters is that this poor woman is definitely traumatized by everyone bumping into her, that’s for sure.
Joker on the loose
No, unfortunately we are not talking about Joaquin Phoenix playing the joker, actually we are talking more about the court jester type of joker. I bet these guys’ jokes are no joke, right?

Don’t worry, I’m just joking!
Roles Reversed
Everyone knows being a mom is extremely tiring. It is a whole life job that you must fulfill, that is why when something to reverse the roles happens it is so funny! As you can see in this picture, the little one is the one pushing the mom and his brother in the cart. Well, that is indeed a very strong child and a gentleman! Not only, it is a funny thing to do, but I bet he won’t forget about “that time mom made me push her in a shopping cart”.

Well, even though it is very funny, we hope that this was not a long way to the car, or else this kid might have some real problems. It is no easy feat to push an adult quadruple your size, and a toddler! You go kid!
Here comes the bride
Marrying someone might be one of the happiest moments of someone’s life. That is why you need snacks to make it even better! I highly recommend you to do it just like these guys. Go to your local Walmart and go crazy!

After all, you only marry once, but you only go to Walmart after your wedding once too!
I mean, everyone has those weird beards where it is just a strand on the chin, why not do it in the head? That’s what this guy thought. Well, just after going to buy things at Walmart.

Or maybe he is just holding on to that last bit of hair. What a tragic ending!
Turtle time
Okay, ill be honest, I’ve always wanted to do this. It might not be exactly with a turtle, but who never had the dream of having maybe, I don’t know, a pet snake, or a lizard (I still want that lizard) in a little collar to walk around?

I bet I’d be the coolest around on the street. And well, these people are definitely the coolest people Walmart has ever seen. And well, maybe the slowest too!
A family of animals
What in the five nights at Freddy’s are you looking at? Well, as long as the comparison ends there, this is just a cute family picture, everyone wearing a head, but not their own! Who would know Walmart sold these?

Whatever you do, don’t look too much into their eyes, they can eat your soul (you didn’t hear this from me).
They see me rollin’
Living takes time, breathing takes time, and I can say with completely sure that I don’t have time for anything. Still, everything seems to be super time-wasting and we can’t have that, right? That is why when you are doing your hair, you can use the time it is getting ready to do something useful, just like this lady did.

Instead of sitting around and doing nothing, this smart woman went shopping. To me, that is the smartest thing ever. Let’s make this more common!
Conga Line Scooter Style
Remember when you were a kid and going out of the classroom, your teacher said “conga line”? Well, these people took it to the next level! Yes, we agree organization is indeed an important thing every day, but it is not the only thing. Well, or maybe they just want to have some fun and create some more memories.

These types of carts are not for everyone. They are made for people with difficulty walking or if someone is ancient. But here they are probably just messing around.
She Can Walk!
When you go to Walmart, you can find these scooters around. They help people who have some kind of problem walking shop. Well, this woman who clearly can walk well is using one of them, but not for what you think. That’s right, she is using it as a ladder. Well, maybe she just wants to use it to make her life easier, but who knows.

Well, still we really hope that this woman did not fall, since it is a scooter, there is a high chance that she could have fallen. Let’s just hope for the best.
The Walmart Monkey Business
Everyone has a favorite animal. Be it a dog, a cat or even a bird. People love animals and animals love people, since we are connected from our roots. Well, that is why this woman with her little monkey is such a cute picture. Getting the monkey like a baby in her arms and wrapped around a cute towel, well, everything is great.

And we can’t deny how amazing and comfortable this little baby monkey looks! For sure, she takes such good care of them. The funny part is, the resemblance to a baby probably confused many people. Or well, we can’t really know if it confused them, but I bet they did.
No shirt, no sunscreen, no problem
Do you know when you go to the beach and get that awful sunburn? Well, everyone wants to get that beautiful tan on the beach days, but when that goes overboard, oh well, you can easily see the results down below. This woman clearly must have fallen asleep on the beach and is looking for some French Aloe Vera. I mean, did no one tell her to always put sunscreen the moment she gets to the beach?

Well, we just have to hope that she did not suffer too much and that it did not have any lasting effects, if you know what I mean. As you should know, always wear sunscreen. Believe me, skin problems are not worth that tan.
Information we didn’t need
Walmart is the monarch of funny shirts. Every time you go there, I bet you see a funny shirt. But the thing is, some of them contain too much information for my taste. As you may be able to notice, this gentleman has a shirt containing sensitive information. Still, it is a very funny shirt and I bet he was laughing when he bought that, I’m sure I would be.

And well, I’m sorry to everyone who was in line with him, because that probably was not the best place to breath. People usually want to leave a mark into the world, and not on other people. Especially if that mark is bad.
Starting a new clothing trend
Ripped jeans were and still are a massive trend for clothing, but these past few years it has been slowing down and people are wearing full jeans again. Or that is what I thought. As you can see from the picture, this lady had the brilliant idea to use some jeans that were probably going to the trash. Now, if that was a good idea or not, it belongs to anyone.

Even I who am not an old person can see that maybe we should stop cutting clothes. I mean, they come in whole from the store for a reason. But hey, at least she looks comfortable. Let’s just not think about the tan she will have after,
Shop ‘til you drop
Hoping is hard. I for once know how annoying it is, and I genuinely want to drop to the floor and just sit for a bit. Well, this person good my thoughts into real life and did the same, but it was not on the floor at least. I mean, I can definitely understand why they did what they did, to be honest, I’d do the same.

But everyone deserves their afternoon nap, even if they are grown up. Napping is awesome, and I hope that this person woke up deciding to make the world a better place! Or with their purchases in the shopping cart.
Emotional support animal
Be honest, everyone loves having a support animal. Even if you don’t have it, it is a beautiful thought that animals can help us as such as we help them. I’ll go as far as to say they help us even more. But well, the support animal is not always a dog or a cat.

Sometimes it comes with scales and a beautiful tail, and fat little fingers! This beautiful lizard for sure looks like it is doing its job, clinging to the woman and giving all the love and support one little lizard can give to a big human. Great, now I want a lizard.
Poor parenting
I can’t be the only one that when I was a kid would put bags in my head, only for my mom to scream to take them off because I was gonna die. Safe to say I thought that if just the tip of my head went into the bag I’d die, so I guess it worked. But well, some moms like to do what is called tough love.

That is obviously what is happening here. Or maybe the mom just is too tired to deal with the little girl’s shenanigans. Still, she looks like she is having fun and the lady definitely looks so done.
I for sure want this to become a common thing. What do you mean, I can’t go to the grocery store while doing my hair? Makes no sense, the day is way too small for us to get anything done! That is why multitasking is just the best.

This lady here knows what’s up. I do to believe she is one heck of a brave woman, because I mean, the face mask is blue. Still, she looks very stylish, and I bet no one will be laughing when her face looks super smooth.
I love meat!
Do you know that episode where Scrooge McDuck dives into a huge pool of money? Well, as a kid, I wanted to do the same and experience being as rich as that duck. Well, this person did exactly the same. Not exactly money, but meat is getting so pricey it might as well be.

Legends say that if you go to the meat isle in Walmart, you can find the spirit of this person haunting everyone who tries to buy overpriced meat.
That thing looks heavy
I mean, everyone wants to have that super cool hairstyle where everyone looks and things “wow that looks so cool!”. But maybe this person wants people to say “wow, that looks so… cool?” because that’s what I said. Just kidding, I’m the first reaction.

This looks really hard to maintain! Like, how do they wash their hair? This should be in a talent show. I just want to see when they cut it, it must be so satisfying. Having style is not for everyone, and this person has all of it.
Everyone knows how good the Uggs really are. But being a fashion brand, and a more expensive one, not everyone is able to buy them. But of course, that does no stop people from being creative. If you don’t have something, you just have to do it yourself, right? Well, that obviously requires a lot of talent, and of course, confidence. And that is what this person did.

As you can see, these very real Uggs are indeed made by this person! And a smart one indeed. Why buy new boots when you can do your own special ones? Well, maybe they could at least get the name right.
Miss Walmart 1967
Everyone always said to give it your all, and that is what this lady did. Always do your best, be it for a party or to going to your local Walmart! Putting makeup and a cool dress makes up for the shopping at Walmart.

Don’t worry, the best style is the one where we feel best in it.
Sneaker sandals
You know when you re-use the same shirt until it is unusable? Well, define unusable. Many might think unusable is when it has holes, but for this girl, as long as it still fits, it does the trick. I mean, spending money to buy shoes is kind of annoying, they are so expensive!

Every day, I hope everyone turns out to be as smart as this girl! I mean, it is literally a two in one show, just like, kind of mixed and you always have the two in one. Either way, a smart choice, and she definitely has a bright future (I mean, she even cut the socks!).
The sign says it all
I bet this woman hates being miss gendered! I mean, everyone hates being called something they are not, and that is why she has this sign on her back.

Well, I do hope everyone treats her how she is asking.
No pants no problem
I mean, if I could count the number of times I have seen someone without pants in Walmart, I’d have two nickels! Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it happened twice, right? Well, jokes aside, they are looking at clothing, maybe they just needed to see their size.

I mean, there is always a way to make things easier, and sometimes taking off your pants is the way. Good thing he has a big dress shirt, or else this would go a totally different rout.
Laundry day?
Ah, laundry day… what a great way to start the day and realize you don’t have anything to wear. When that – wait… maybe if you… you do have something to wear! As you approach the closet, you see the beautiful red dress looking at you. You look at it and the only thing that happens is a little lightbulb turning on in the top of your head.

Well, at least that is what I think happened to this gentleman. Well, can’t say he doesn’t look good, he has amazing ankles, and they look great in that dress, at least in my opinion.
Taking the children to Walmart
Every time I see my cats, I see my children. It is like they are a part of me, and that is true for most pet owners. Well, this lady has three beautiful happy children and she did not have a nanny. That is why the only thing to do is to take care of them. Going to Walmart is probably a very eventful trip, and the puppies definitely loved it.

Even if it is a picture, you can feel the love from the lady, and the happiness from the puppies. I mean, if I was a puppy, I’d always be happy.
A man and his ferret
Yeah, maybe not only a lizard, but having a ferret would be awesome. Ferrets are like these little things, really flexible and a weird choice to bring to Walmart, that’s for sure. The guy behind the man was definitely chocked with what he saw, I mean, look at his face! But hey, ferrets should also have the right to go shopping.

This guy really loves his ferret, and of course he does. With a being that cute, what is there not to love?
“Can you tell me where the nail clippers are?”
Yea, ill never let anyone tell me my nails are huge. Look at this woman! I don’t even think this should be called nails! Well, going shopping with these nails might be super hard, I don’t even know how she gets the things in her shopping cart.

But the main question is: how does she go to the bathroom?
That’s $100 for the baby!
Yup, we all heard it, and hear people saying how they want to sell their kids, and I mean, who wouldn’t? That is why this lovely lady is buying her own child! Okay, jokes aside, maybe this is how the escalator feels with people: like a treadmill!

Let’s just hope that the little boy does not feel like food. Maybe the mom does feel like cooking, but hopefully not the boy!
Men… Take Notes
Fashion has always been something that people connect with women. That is because women are usually the ones who like to dress up and feel pretty for themselves. That does not mean don’t like it, either! As you can see from this picture, there is an insane fashion choice going on. I mean, we should not judge anyone, but I’d hope old trends stayed in the past!

Please, let’s not bring the “jeans halfway through your legs” back. Believe me, no one wants to see your underwear or anything from the waist below. Even if it looks like you are wearing a bathing suit.
What does the fox say?
Everyone loves cat ears! They are cute and all, but I mean, wearing it to a Walmart might be a bit too much, no? Well, everyone has their likes and well, we can’t judge.

Let’s just hope that the tail is attached to his pants.
Fashion forward
Wearing a shirt normally is so 2010! The thing now is wearing it backwards. Who does not love to spend an extra 10 minutes to get all the buttons in your back?

Since he is shopping at Walmart and his buttons are open, maybe we know where those 10 extra minutes went: shopping!
Easter came early
I love holidays, you love holidays, this sir loves holidays, we all love holidays! Especially Easter, where we can eat as much chocolate without being judged. Well, this man is definitely doing his part, making the Walmart more into the holiday.

I just know the children love this guy! I’m an adult, and I’d be delighted to see him!
Paint with all the colors of the wind
Someone has been into a pain fight, or maybe he drank forbidden juice of paint! I just know that whatever it is, he is not happy. But whatever it was, it is not as important as buying snack at Walmart!

Or, well, maybe he just hated that a stranger was taking a picture of him! I would hate it too, that is definitely not his best angle.
Captain America’s part-time job
After Captain America: Civil War, did you ever wonder what happened after Captain America was able to escape prison? Well, he needed money, that’s for sure. Some time later, he was spotted at a local Walmart working for the company!

Okay, okay, I get it, not funny. Still, if you saw Captain America at your local Walmart, I bet you’d be ecstatic. Or maybe scared, because you might think a crime is going to happen, since well, one of our heroes is in town. Careful with the aliens!
Plunger problems
There has been a lot of love for plungers lately! I’m happy to see this amazing creating getting all the love in the world. But just not the right way. Using these to take funny selfies and pictures is the new trend, and Walmart is their target.

If I was bald, I too would like to stick a plunger on my head.
Who wore it better
The funniest thing in the world is when you go out and see someone with the exact same clothes! Especially if they are a stranger. This strange encounter at Walmart could have developed into a cool friendship.

Well, if they are together then we will never know and this might be on purpose. Either way, they both look so good.
Dressing it up
Who doesn’t look hot in a skirt? Definitely not this guy, he looks great! Finding this at Walmart might be very funny, since it is such an interesting outfit choice.

Maybe he went to a party where the dress code was half man, half woman? Well, we will never know, we will just know that pink is definitely his color.
Legs for days
My favorite thing in the world is tall people wearing high heels! All guys should wear them, it looks awesome, and for this guy, it really shows how long his legs are!

I bet his grandma asked him to come so he could reach for the highest shelf on the Walmart!
“By the power vested in me by this Walmart store, I now pronounce you husband and wife”
Every person wants to have their dream wedding. It is a moment unique to share with the person you love most in the whole world and want to spend the rest of your life with. That is why this picture is a bit, well… confusing. I mean, nothing wrong with Walmart, but I can’t just see how these people even began to plan this wedding. But well, who knows, maybe this is all just a prank.

Everyone knows that one couple who really loves to play some pranks on people! And I must admit, this is a very funny picture for you. Let’s just hope this marriage lasts as much as the Walmart store is open.
Love is in the air
You know, the cupid from Rapunzel? Well, that is the first thing I thought about when seeing this guy! Not because he looks like him, but because he has the vibe and definitely the smile.

Of course, finding this at a local Walmart might be crazy. Legend says if you ever cross with him, you can ask who you will marry!
These shorts were made for wearing
This guy definitely misses the 80s. Be it for the high waist shorts, or the sweat headband, he looks just out of a 80s movie.

Well, he looks amazing for his workout, well if it wasn’t for all the soda he is buying at Walmart. Well, good luck!
I’m blue dabba dee dabba di
This one is just… wow. Well, wow is a strong word, and blue is definitely his strong color. I mean, the guy is covered in it! Maybe he saw that little blue plushie at Walmart and decided to dress up as it.

I would not blame him, the plushie does look super cute. He, on the other hand, might need a bit more clothing. Anyway, where do you think he found a full body blue jumpsuit?
Ripped up
Ripped jeans are all the heat! That is why this girl has more ripped than jeans. Well, at least she has a cool sense of style, and a unique one too.

Well, unique, probably because no one would ever wear that.
Eye see you
Have you ever had the feeling someone is watching you? Well, that is because there is. In this case, this man definitely has an eye on you.

Cool tattoos are hard to find! If you are going to be bald, at least use the missing space for something cool, like an eye. Am eye right?
JoJo Siwa: Walmart edition
We all know JoJo Siwa used to have an interesting choice of style. The colors, the bows and of course, the shirt falling from one shoulder.

This woman definitely incorporated JoJo with all her might! The perfect cosplay doesn’t exist – Oh wait!
An unusual sighting
Believe me, you will not see weird people all the time on Walmart. I can give you my word, most of the costumers look normal, just like these ladies.

You may find the first one to stare at your soul, but well, it’s just the side effects of Walmart.
Baby on board
Yup, there are a lot of people that just touch babies out of nowhere. Really weird on my head, and for these guys too. It got so weird, they put on a sign!

I mean, half of the touching babies things probably happens at Walmart. Well, this did not sound very good.
Walmart: the land of the lost
I bet that would be a better title for this article, right? Walmart does look like the land of the lost, there are so many unique individuals there, let’s just hope they stay there.